What is Autogenic Training?
What is Healing?
Autogenic Training is one of the simplest and most powerful and effective techniques of relaxation, self-healing and empowerment which has been devised in the West. It also enables the individuals to deal with the back-log of stress and suppressed negative emotions and memories which can be the underlying causes of the disease. The trainees learn to get deep inside themselves and get in touch with their own immense healing powers through a series of simple mental exercises, the details of which as well as a step-by-step tutorial is given in the highly successful book called "Autogenic Training" This is one of the simplest and most powerful and effective techniques of relaxation, self-healing and empowerment which has been devised in the West. It also enables the individuals to deal with the back-log of stress and suppressed negative emotions and memories which can be the underlying causes of the disease.
Our essence as human beings is energy which is created by the constant movement of the tiniest particles present in the cell molecules of our bodies called atoms. In perfect health, this energy flows harmoniously throughout the body and some of it is used up by cells, tissues and organs in their normal metabolism and working. Owing to a number of factors including stress, suppression of negative emotions and memories, pollution and so on, this harmonious flow of energy and its interaction with the external Universal source is interrupted, and as a result a state of 'disease' is created.
The process of healing is the one that restores the harmonious balance of the flow of the energy which helps to restore the diseased and damaged cells and tissues to their healthy state. This process of re-balancing and recovery can be facilitated by an external therapist such as a healer or can be meditated from within oneself by a powerful technique such as Autogenic Training. Having connected with this site being bathed in unconditional love and healing,may you absorb and take away as much as you need, require or desire in your Life.
And may you be blessed With love, light, peace, joy and as much success and abundance as you need or desire.
..... Have a wonderful day
Dr.Kai Kermani